Post 7: Concluding Thoughts
Post 7: Concluding Thoughts Over the past three months, I have become immersed in the issues surrounding food and water development in Africa, and I have begun to piece together the general state of affairs there. In my opinion, Africa has a wealth of potential, but it has so far failed to come together as one to harness that potential. I believe, that through greater communication and joint development initiatives, as seen with the Senegal river, all can benefit. This is especially true in the case of food production amidst a backdrop of water scarcity. To end with one final point to demonstrate my belief in a clearer way it is necessary to draw on the theory of comparative advantage. Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage states that countries should specialise in the production of a good for which they have the lowest opportunity cost (cost benefit foregone from the next best alternative). This theory was proven by the Bernhofen-Brown test in the mid-nineteenth c...