Water Scarcity
The Basic food-water Link
The Water Stress Index (WSI) was originally
developed by Falkenmark and Lindh (1974) as a warning system ahead of potential
food shortages in relation to disruptions to water availability (Damkjaer
and Taylor, 2017). The WSI defines water scarcity by the number of people that
compete for sustenance from one single flow unit of water (106m3/year), or in
simpler terms the “hydraulic density of population” (Damkjaer and Taylor,
2017). The WSI’s existence also informs us of the regional disparity in water
availability, and thus introduces one of the foundational challenges facing
water and food development in Africa historically.
Most of the inhabitants of Africa live in semi-arid
areas that are prone to extreme seasonal variation in freshwater availability
and pose the risk of large-scale water shortages, subsequent famine and the
potential for the emigration of environmental refugees (Falkenmark, 1989).
Drought proved rampant in 2019 particularly in Southern Africa and he Sahel
regions, where rainfall in the 2018-19 rainy season was 50% lower than average
in Namibia, Western South Africa and Botswana (WMO, 2019). The World Health Organisation now predicts
that by 2025 half the World’s population will inhabit water-stressed areas
(WHO, 2015).
Africa is projected to be the continent worst
impacted by the effects of climate change (Niang et al, 2014, cited in
Nicholson, Funk and Fink, 2018) meaning the stresses on water provision and consequentially
food availability cannot rely on sources of water that are subject to intense
seasonal variation. It is therefore critical, that efforts to preserve
Africa’s most reliable water source now become integrated into future
management approaches.
Hope from Below
Groundwater is the most abundant
source of fresh water on Earth and sustains both human activity and
ecosystems (Velis et al., 2017). For arid and semi-arid areas,
groundwater acts as the only perennial supply of freshwater (Taylor et al.,
2013). The use of groundwater for irrigation purposes
also means an intrinsic link to human development and poverty eradication
through food production (Velis et al., 2017). Not only this but
actually have greater economic benefits than surface water per unit volume
(Burke and Moench, 2000; cited in Velis et al., 2017).
Groundwater supplies 36% of the
world’s freshwater supply, and 42% of which is used for irrigation
purposes (Taylor et al., 2013). The links between water and food production are
evident here, but unfortunately Groundwater resources are unequally
distributed across Africa (Gaye and Tindimugaya, 2019). Nevertheless,
groundwater stands as a valuable resource in the face of the impending climate
crisis, and it must thus be managed accordingly to ensure sustainable
exploitation, the welfare of future generations and the wetland and stream
habitats that it contributes to (Gaye and Tindimugaya, 2019).
The Challenge of Managing Groundwater Resources
availability is dependent on r
eplenishment via recharge from
effective precipitation that infiltrates the subsurface, as well as
through focused groundwater recharge (Taylor et al., 2013). A study by Taylor et al.
(2013) studied the fragile relationship between groundwater levels and
evapotranspiration and precipitation in the context of semi-arid tropical
East Africa and reveals a “highly episodic” nature of recharge
events, that follow anomalously intense rainfall during the monsoon
period, against a tide of annual data revealing continual regressions in
groundwater level until these events (Figure One) (Taylor et
al,. 2013). Due to these idyllic climate conditions being necessary
for recharge, the impetus for management is great. (Taylor et al., 2013)
The Future of Water Supply (Macdonald et al., 2021)
Climate change is now polarising the extremes of precipitation, with
drier regions becoming drier, and wetter regions wetter and this marks a
problem for accessibility across the continent (Hegerl et al,.
2019). As well as being protected from pollutants (Velis et al.,
However, in-light of a new study by University College
London, it appears as though the long-term recharge of groundwater resources in
Africa is around 15,000 km3/decade (Figure 2), which is enough to sustain
groundwater abstraction of irrigation and farming, as well as drinking water
(MacDonald et al., 2021).
Thus, groundwater resources seem to be the greatest hope for a long-term plan for African water supplies, and the attainment of UN Sustainable Development Goals 2 (zero hunger) and 6 (Water and Sanitation for all) (United Nations, 2015). Whilst this is a step in the right direction, care must be given to future management of groundwater to avoid damaging or overexploiting this resource. That has been witnessed in some part of the world. Furthermore, this also requires some from of distributive mechanism to overcome the issues associated with uneven distribution of Groundwater resources.
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